Now, few days later I have my old strength back and am enjoying the company of good friends from my time in Spain. My Chinese flat mate from back then cheered me up when the procession of the Semana Santa in Jaén had to be canceled because of the miserable weather and now I am in Ciudad Real.
It's my first time to really get to know La Mancha, land of Don Quijote, where he fought windmills. Yesterday I got a great tour of the nearby National Park "Tablas de Daimiel" by a colleague of my friend here. Our guide was so well informed it was a wonder he had never studied for this, but I guess 49 years living in the area and loving this place more than anything made him the perfect expert to follow.
"Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way". well said!
Jimmy Buffett put it that way first, so let the credit be his for finding the right words :) Thanks for leaving a trace, Daisy!
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